The Discovery 3 4.4 V8 is a very rare car in the UK market.
These are not the most frugal of machines and do cost an awful lot to run and maintain, however when working they are extremely refined, responsive and actually great fun!
The owner of this vehicle volunteers doing marshalling at many motorsport events throughout the UK so you can imagine that this is extremely well maintained. So when asked if we could help with a gearbox flush on his box we of course said yes!
A gearbox flush isn’t only for when the gearbox starts showing signs of age its an excellent way to service them to stop them showing any signs at all and really prolong their life span. Using oil that exceeds Land Rovers and ZF’s recommendations you can be sure that this is the best possible service that you could do for you box.
If you would like to know more then click here >
If you want to #jointheempire and transform the way your vehicle drives, drop us a message with your vehicle and requirements and we’ll see what we can do for you! 


- Lovely New Gearbox Oil
- Empiretuning Gearbox Flush Discovery 3 V8 Rear
- Gearbox Flush Empire