Security / Trackers

Empire Tuning has teamed up with Scorpion Automotive to offer security products for vehicles. As of late, it seems that Defenders are hot property for thieves, so we have decided to help our customers by offering them various options from Scorpion Automotive all at competitive prices with yearly subscription services one of the lowest in the UK you really get peace of mind that your beloved vehicle is looked after no matter what happens.

Read Auto Car's article on the rise of theft of Land Rover Defender vehicles


Stolen Vehicle Monitoring Subscription

To allow us to monitor your vehicle 24 hours a day, everyday for as long as you own it, we need you to subscribe to our Stolen Vehicle Monitoring Service – Paid Directly to ScorpionTrack.

Annual Subscriptionper Annum inc. VAT
1 Year Subscription – Cheapest in the UK!£130
2 Year Subscription – Saving £40£220
3 Year Subscription – Saving £90£300
4 Year Subscription – Saving £170£350
5 Year Subscription – Saving £260£390

Contact us today for an instant quote

How Does it work?

Scorpion Track actively protects your vehicle against illegal movement using GPS geo fence technology along with the latest technology movement detection hidden within the vehicle.

Upon Illegal movement detection ScorpionTrack will discretely notify our international control centre of possible theft.

Fully trained 24hr ScorpionTrack monitoring staff will contact you with vehicle movement details in order to confirm a theft in line with current Police legislation and procedures. ScorpionTrack will continue to track any alarmed vehicle until recovery or false alarm has been confirmed.

Once theft has been confirmed and a crime reference number has been obtained from the Police, ScorpionTrack operatives will liaise with the Police in order to recover the vehicle.

Upon recovery, the ScorpionTrack operator can arrange for the return of the vehicle to the customers desired location. *Scorpion is not liable for any cost incurred for recovery.

What is Thatcham?

Thatcham’s pioneering work in this field, in collaboration with vehicle and security equipment manufacturers, together with the police has brought about a major reduction in UK vehicle crime. The Thatcham security testing regime is considered to be one of the most rigorous in the world and acts as a model for crime prevention efforts internationally.

During the early 1990s, the news was filled with stories of joy-riders stealing cars and the subsequent damage and suffering they were causing. In 1992, the British insurance industry tasked Thatcham with improving vehicle security.

Thatcham engineers continuously analyse theft methods and new theft techniques used to break into or steal vehicles. This enables them to update the Security Criteria to combat new theft techniques. they use this information to keep vehicle manufacturers and security manufacturers updated on new attack methods, enabling them to improve on potential weak points in a vehicle’s security design.

ScorpionTrack has been subjected to the rigorous Thatcham test requirements to meet there TQA level in vehicle tracking system approval. This will cater for any insurance company TQA tracking system requirement.

We can now offer various tracker systems starting from as little as —- to full cat 5 insurance approved alarms/trackers.

Mobile installation is available, fleet discounts also available contact us for more information.

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